make your website mobile friendly

Why a Mobile Friendly Website is Critical for Your Business

Sharing content from desktop to mobile needs a mobile friendly website design. Without it, there’s a possibility that links shared from social media, images, and certain contents from a website would be cut off. What Is The Definition of Mobile Friendly Website Design? It means your website is optimized for both mobile and desktop users…

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HTTP Status Codes and SEO: Explanation & Fixing Issues

What Are HTTP Status Codes? An HTTP status code is a 3-digit numerical response sent by an HTTP server at the end of each web page request to indicate the result of the request. These codes are an essential part of Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), which is used for communication between clients (browsers, web crawlers,…

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Redirect Guide for SEO (Technical Insights & Types) – Best Examples

Optimization for search engines, or SEO, is a term used frequently these days. In the world of hypertext transfer protocols, redirection is the process of sending traffic from one URL to another. When you redirect a page, you normally change its URL to something else. Redirecting a page is a straightforward process that is performed…

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