Unconfirmed May 22nd 2021 Google Search Algorithm Update

Unconfirmed: May 22nd 2021 Google Algorithm Update

T-RANKS » SEO News » Unconfirmed: May 22nd 2021 Google Algorithm Update

On a Saturday, May 22nd, another unconfirmed Google search algorithm ranking update just dropped, stirring the whole internet up!

All known tracking tools are acting strange as the Google Search reports improved dramatically, which is very unconvincing to happen at first sight.

I’m talking about the reports of the core update or also known as the old Penguin and Panda updates.

Regardless of this, the discussion of the online community doesn’t seem to relate to the tracking tools report. There must have been a delay in the SEO community discussion since it happened on the weekend, or maybe Google accidentally damaged the tools somehow.

Even if there’s a big chance that Google did something to upset the tools, in the end, it’s too early to tell. For now, you should check your site’s health in Google Search, as this is pretty intriguing.

SEO Discussion:

Unexpectedly, the SEO discussions haven’t mentioned this sudden change. Maybe because it happened on the weekend, and most of the SEO community are away from the keyboard, not working, and unable to do the checking.

But still, this doesn’t make sense.

Usually, when the tracking tools acting this great, even over a weekend, most forums will get busy in an instant as the tools ran out of the ordinary. But when I scanned the BlackHatWorld forums and Google forums, the discussion about that update and report is almost nowhere to be found.

Complaints are always given to appear, and as I observed, there aren’t any ranking drop matters were raised on that day— for that day at least.

The WebmasterWorld forums by Pubcon (recently moved into a new thread) updated a further discussion on May 22nd, but it seems very far from what I anticipated to be.

Here’s what the discussion in the forum went like:

WebmasterWorld Forums part 1

WebmasterWorld Forums part 2

Obviously, you can tell that some of the matters raised were about the tools going mad and traffics issues earlier in the week when we had a previous unconfirmed Google search algorithm update on May 19th and 20th.

Tracking Tools & Results:

Right below are the complete views of the reports from multiple tracking tools showing off the chart numbers. These numbers normally don’t appear on a daily basis, so check your site’s health and tracking tools report on this day!

Algoroo:Algoroo Tracking Tool Result in May 22nd

Advanced Web Rankings:AdvancedWebRankings Tracking Tool Result in May 22nd

CognitiveSEO:CognitiveSEO Tracking Tool Result in May 22nd

Semrush:Semrush Tracking Tool Result in May 22nd

If you are up to date, you already know that many unconfirmed Google updates happened for the month of May. There were updates from May 1st, May 7th, May 9th, May 13th, May 16th, May 20th, May 19th, and just recently, last weekend, May 22nd.

Check your site’s health and your tracking tools results, and let us know in the comment section below so we can help.

P.S, you can dive into the discussion to share your insights or maybe have some of your questions answered here:


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