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PBN Link Juice: Everything You Need To Know

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The web was and is made to be interconnected and so as websites are linked to one another. Building a private blog network lies on this very essence of how and why the World Wide Web was made and building your PBN to strengthen your main money site requires a bunch of web links to boost your ranking in the search engine results page.

Learning What PBN Link Juice Is

Another important topic that we are going to talk about today is PBN Link Juice. This important element of an SEO campaign is sometimes overlooked by many and so, we are to dig in deeper on what is this all about.

Website Linkbuilding

One of the most important steps in boosting your site reputation in search engines is link building. You can imagine this as being a referral by many that your site is trustworthy so whenever some entered in a search query or keywords, the search engine spiders will quickly tell the search engine algorithm that you’re the one be shown in the search results page.

Private Blog Network

This SEO technique is oftentimes considered to be a black hat technique and thus, getting penalized by search engine penguins when detected to be behaving spammy. But, with the right utilization of building your private blog network dedicated to your money sites, this can be a big boost to your website. Well, of course, with an accompanying risk, either you make it or you break it.

What is a Link Juice

Juice, juice, juice. You can imagine squeezing your lemons to make an ice-cold refreshing lemonade for a hot summer. Well, we can illustrate link juice this way. So for our first question, What is the link juice?

This is an SEO jargon that pertains to the flow of a site value being passed to another site which streams through hyperlinks wherein, search engine algorithms considers as a referral that your site is trustworthy and reliable.

How does Link Juices Flow?

Now, you have this site called, Website A. There are four external sites that point to a certain page on your website which we will call Site 1, 2, 3, and 4. Considering that all ranking factors are constant such as citation flow, trust flow, site authority, domain authority, and backlinks, all of these ranking factors will beef up the reputation of your page that all these external sites are pointing to.

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Of course in a real-life scenario, competition is present. Let’s say, a page of yours and a page from a competitor page, where competitors meaning you’re of the same niche or fall under the same scope of keywords, both have two external sites linking back to you.

Let’s say that, two of your external links have a good stats, while your competitor site only got one of two site referrals on good stats, that means that your page got better link juices that the competitor pages which will then reflect on the SERP where you got better odds of being on top than the other.

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Link Juice Sources

Website ranking is about building a better site reputation and the amount of quality link juices is very vital at this point. So, the next question is where do we get these link juices?

Great sources of link juices can be obtained from the following:

  • High-ranking Pages
  • Quality Content Pages
  • Pages with User-Generated Contents
  • Strong Social Media Audience
  • Minimal Outbound Links

Obtaining backlinks from these sources will surely benefit your page and your site as a whole with the link juice that will flow down to yours.

Flowing the Juice

How do we turn the juice faucet on so that it flows down to your page? Since we are in the context of a private blog network, our clear goal is to use our PBN to boost our main money site. This means that your PBN units should be at least has quality relevant content, minimal outbound links, and at least got some user-generated content that could be via guest posting.

Note: Keep your link juice as natural by not overly linking way too much to your money sites as much as possible to avoid being spammy so you’ll get the best results of your PBN link juice.

Anchor Text Linking

Maintain a natural link flow by using the best anchor text to point to your money site. Always remember that relevance is important so keep your anchor text withing your brand, your niche, or your location.

Link Juice Sculpting

Implement nofollow tags towards URL comments on posts, spammy sites, and irrelevant links to avoid flowing juice towards spammy links. This will keep the link juice of your PBN unit concentrated to flow towards your money site. In addition to that, at least, limit the number of money sites that extract link juices to your PBN. The lesser, the better.

Internal Linking

You can also maximize the flow of link juice within your money site. In the course of time, there will be pages that will definitely be having great value and have saved a good amount of link juice. This link juice can flow to your internal pages boosting your website as a whole.

Social Media Linkbait

If your PBN unit has quality content, social media is a great avenue to boost your organic traffic that will increase your ranking factors and thus increasing the value of the link juice that is flowing within your PBN.

Outreach Campaign

One of the best ways to get better link juices is to get it from quality content and user-generated content. By outreaching, you can get quality user-generated content.

Old Link Recovery

Also known as Link Reclamation, recover and fix the old link that points to the main site but reflects as 404. Too much 404 pages on your site affect your site reputation so it would be better to fix these old broken links. You can find these by using tools such as Ahrefs.

Flow those Link Juice Now

As you build your PBN, keep in mind that overdoing things could result in breaking your whole PBN and your money site as well. But with the right implementation, you extract these link juices to boost your main site and have it rank at the top of the SERP!

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